Now you can submit a classified ad for our printed issue online.
Complete the information below and click on the submit button.
We will contact you for billing. It's as easy as that!
Classified ads will run continuously for 2 weeks.
Private Party - 3 options
FREE (20 word maximum)
Ad will run in classified section as long as there is space. -
$15 Guaranteed Placement
20 words or less ($15 per 20 words thereafter)
60 word ad is $30 -
$15 Per Enhancement
Border, Heading Title, Photo
Commercial - ads offering products or services on a continuous basis for profit or as a means of livelihood.
$15 (20 word maximum)
$15 per 20 words thereafter
60 word ad is $30 -
$15 Per Enhancement Border, Heading Title, Photo
If you'd rather not submit this form online you may contact us below:
(605) 343-5802
Quik Quarter
PO Box 91606
Sioux Falls, SD 57109
Classified Deadline: Tuesday by noon CST for Thursday publication
Quik Quarter is published weekly.
Quik Quarter cannot guarantee specific page placement. Copy change deadline noon Tuesday. Materials returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Quik Quarter reserves the right to refuse ad copy unsuitable for publication or to edit where necessary.